Monday, March 30, 2009

Almost Done!

Wow, there is almost no time left at school. This has been a great year. Not easy. Not always fun. But always wonderful. Every hardship I dealt with was so worth it. And obviously the fun times were great! But now the year is almost done. Last year, I couldn't even imagine what college would be like. And now I just want to do it all again. There are things I wish I had done differently, but most everything has been just right.

At some point, I think I will post a more detailed outline of the year. I am often very cryptic. I have hurt enough people by being blunt, that I am struggling to find a balance. But, I would love to summarize my whole year.

But for right now, I wanted to spew (I like that word) about a conversation I had the other day. One of my friends is really into the power of social networking. She and my dad could have a great chat about Web 2.0. She uses her blog to clarify our religious beliefs and is really involved on the online discussion about that. Her blog is really meaningful. I wish I had a meaningful blog.
What I have going right now is good. It's a great way to let my friends know what is happening in my life. But I would like to contribute to my world. That has been something I have always wanted to do.

I wouldn't change this blog. It really is just to let you know about my life. But what would my other blog focus on? I don't have much religious knowledge. I am sad to admit that, but I don't feel that my understanding is adequate to help others. The same with politics. Not only do I not know much, but I don't want a political blog. But what could I do? Maybe an advice blog? Or a story blog? Or I could make a couple and keep them all updated. Comment and give me suggestions! I really don't know what to write about.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Dance Sport was Amazing!!

I haven't competed in anything for over a year now. I had forgotten how great it feels. When I did Tae Kwon Do, I knew my ability, and it was so fun to, well, show off. Over the past year, I have to admit that I have not done much interesting. At least in the performance world. But I loved it. It's weird. You have something, and when it leaves, you miss it at first, but you get used to it. And then, suddenly, you get another taste. That's when you really feel what you lost. But I am lucky, my taste is just the first in a whole meal.
Today was BYU Dance Sport. For my dance class, I got extra credit to perform. So I decided I would. I didn't even tell my parents. It was no big deal. I practice a lot, and was excited, but it wasn't a huge deal. And then, last night, I was packing my bag, and I realized how fun this was going to be. I thought "I'll get to do this a couple times a year. Neat!"
But today, I realized I wanted more than that. It was amazing! I got cut on the first Cha Cha heat, and the second Swing heat, but I wanted to keep dancing. I already knew I loved dance, but I had always just constrained myself to social, and never expected to perform. But now, I want to perform. I want to practice for hours to look that good. To feel that good.
This morning was so great! :D I loved it, and I will keep doing it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Quote Wall Totally Rocks!!

So, we have this quote wall in my room. Anything highly repeatable, out-there funny, or beyond awkward is at risk to end up on it. Last night, or more like this morning, Ari, Katie and I counted up the total number of quotes. It was exactly 100! It is such an achievement. I doubt anyone else collected 100 quotes in less than a semester. Especially as funny/awkward as these.

At the end of the semester, we are going to post a large number of them online. Right now I just want to give you a teaser taste and mention a couple of my favorites. Sorry, but I won't explain them. Email me or call or something if you just need to know, and I might tell you.

Did you think your pants would just climb off??

Guys, I kinda wanna get married right now.

I'm going to hang up in 3... 4... oh, wait.

I was totally half-indenting to get up!

Alright. So there you have it: your first sample of the infamous quote wall. I really just felt the need to celebrate the 100th quote. It really is an accomplishment.